Saturday, November 2, 2019

Quiz and End of First Quarter

Today we took a ten question quiz on the Hans Rosling video 200 years in 4 minutes. We watched the video again and before taking the quiz. The questions were on a PowerPoint and we filled the answers in on our paper. Some of the questions were what was the y axis called and what is the x axis called. Another was what two events occurred that caused population to go down and what is the worst country according to Hans. It is the end of the quarter and I hope to finish with all A's and I think I did get all A's. That was my goal for the first quarter even though it doesn't really matter I still wanted all A's. For the next quarter I hope to do better like still A's but maybe higher percentages or stay the same. We also have to take our exam which I'm nervous about because I am not a good test taker. I just want to pass all my exams or get a little above a passing grade on all them. I will have to make sure I stay organized until then so I am prepared for the test and so I can easily study for everything. I don't need to worry about them yet but I have to remember that they are coming soon. I can't believe that I am done already with my first quarter of high school. It has gone by so fast already.

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Dear Future Laura....

Dear future Laura,     The date is June 2nd, 2020. I hope you are great and in good health and enjoying life. I hope most of your dreams...