Wednesday, February 19, 2020

More Notes on Greece

Today in class we took more notes on ancient Greece.
  • influence began around 2000 BCE
  • Mycenae - located on a rocky ridge on Peloponnesus, 20-foot thick wall
  • dominated Greece from 1600-1100, controlled trade in regio
  • 1400 BCE invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture (writing system, language, art, politics, literature, religion)
  • Trojan War - 1200 BCE
  • part of Greek mythology, til 19th century (most thought it was fiction be god/esses were in war)
  • 1200 BCE mysterious "sea people" began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after palace
  • Dorians moved into the war-torn region, dominating from 150-750 BCE
  • Dorians far less advanced
  • trade based economy collapsed
  • writing disappeared for 400 years
  • Greek oral tradition - stories passed on by word of mouth
  • Homer lived at the end of these "Greek Dark Ages"
  • composed stories (epics) of Trojan War 750-700
  • The Illiad - possibly 1 of the last conquest of Mycenaeans (Trojan War)
  • The Odyssey - Odysseus attempts to return home after the Trojan War, thwarted by the angry god of the sea, Poseidon
  • Odyssey was 12, 110 lines of dactylic hexameter
  • "Homeric question" - Homer may have been a mythical creation himself
  • blind wandering minstrel; a heroic figure
  • Illiad and Odyssey may be the culmination of many generations of storytelling
  • or homer actually existed and did all that 

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Dear Future Laura....

Dear future Laura,     The date is June 2nd, 2020. I hope you are great and in good health and enjoying life. I hope most of your dreams...