Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Kinda quiz review

Today in class we watched a video that talks about Mesopotamia. It was song that talks about the history of Mesopotamia and its rivers. It was to the tune of Soldier Boy. It was funny and was kind of helpful. After that we watched the video called Happy by John Carroll. It is what the broadcasting class used to make. Another video that they made was for Mr. Maynard because he got colon cancer. It was a person dressed up in a power rangers costume and he tried to go in to different places and he was kicked out of all the classrooms. Then we watched a video a with a girl Emma who went to John Carroll and she made it through the first round of American Idol. She was eliminated in the second. She still did a good job. Then we checked out Dan's quizlet and rated it. We looked at some other quizlets for this topic to. We didn't do much else

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Dear Future Laura....

Dear future Laura,     The date is June 2nd, 2020. I hope you are great and in good health and enjoying life. I hope most of your dreams...