Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Rome's leader and government

This is how Tarquin took power to Rome. Before Tullia became his wife, she killed her old husband and sister so she could be with him. For him to be king right then they had to get rid of her father. Tarquin asked to become king and was refused so he had the king assassinated. Tullia worships Tarquin as the new king but is sent home, and she sees her father's body on the road and runs over it. Some senators want to bury the body but Tarquin doesn't want it buried so he assassinates the senators. Much later Tarquins son causes a young woman to commit suicide, Tarquin tries to hide it but the people had him, his son, and his family expelled from Rome. After this Rome didn't want kings to rule ever again. So they change the government to two consuls. They are patricians who are elected each year. They dealt with justice, making laws, and commanding armies. One person could veto the other so they were less powerful. Then plebeians challenged the patrician's power, and eventually, fair laws were written down. Democracy was created similar to ours. Everyone can vote, they both have three branches of government. We both have a legal code. Ours is the Bill of Rights and Romes was the Twelve Tables. We based our democracy off of Rome's.

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