Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Video Assignment

In class we had a substitute. We did an assignment were we watch three videos and write three facts about each of them.

Demographic Transitions:

1. States that a population will eventually stop growing when the country transitions from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates stabilizing the population.
2. Stage one country has high birth rates because of limited birth control and the economic benefit of having more people to work. Have high death rates because of poor nutrition or disease.
3. The Malthusian Theorem says we might run out of resources and then there will be a global food shortage. 1 billion out of 7 billion suffer from malnutrition and hunger.

Why Populations Grow and the Demographic Transition Model:
1. One way to measure population growth is by calculating the doubling time which is the length of time it takes for a population to double in size. D= 70/Growth rate(r)
2. The two factors that influence population change is rate of natural increase and net migration.
3. Stage 1 is associated with the least economically developed countries in the world today.

The Demographic Transition Theory:
1. Since agricultural revolution 8,000 years ago to industrial revolution which started in 1750, the worlds population grew by only 67,000 people every year.
2. Now we gain 67,000 people every six to seven hours. Fertility rates are much higher than death rates in less industrialized countries we are having expediential growth.
3. There is enough food on the planet for everyone if we would just distribute it evenly. It is still unclear if industrialization can stop overpopulation with our consumption rates.

My favorite video was the Demographic Transition Theory. I was very detailed with good information. It helped me understand more about this topic. The lady was a PhD so she is a reliable source.

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